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A Deep Wound

Meet Fresco!

Fresco was seen by Abi one Saturday on her weekend on call as he was found in the field with a couple of wounds on his leg, surrounded by a pool of blood! How he got his wounds to this day is still unknown.

After an initial assessment by Abi, it was noticed that he had severed part of his flexor carpi radialis muscle and two of his wounds went all the way down to the bone and it was therefore decided that he would need standing surgery to successfully repair all of the damage.

After five hours in standing surgery at Leahurst Equine Hospital, he was discharged back into Abi’s care for bandaging and wound management. He had three large separate wounds which were managed with bandaging and box rest for a total of four weeks and after the bandage came off, the wounds have been managed with some topical creams.

After driving his owner round the bend on box rest, Fresco is now back living his normal retired life in the field with his best friend.

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